Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Baby Says Hi!

We had an ultrasound done yesterday. Right before Thanksgiving we got a call from the Doctor's office saying that one of Meredith test, the one for Down's Syndrome, came back a little abnormal. They scheduled an ultrasound at the University of Virginia to check things out and be certain. A little scary, but we remained for the most part optomistic. So we get there and we end up talking to a "genetics counselor" first. Turns out we didn't have to worry about Down's. The blood test Meredith had tests for 3 things: Down's, Spina Bifida, and some other that I can't remember. It was the Spina Bifida test that was off. We were told that the higher level of the test could occur from sereval reasons, including blood between the uterus and placenta, twins(!), Spina Bifida, and the membrane covering the intestines not forming properly. Plus it could be something completely unknown. A False Positive I guess is pretty common with this test.

So anyway, on to the ultra sound. They measured the baby, and everything there was normal. They got a good look at the top of the spine, and there was no cause for worry there. Heart looked and sounded great too. Unfortunately, the little bugger decided to move around a lot, so we couldn't get a good look at its tummy or lower spine. Based on what they saw, the doctors said the baby looks fine and that they have little reason to be concerned. Just to be completely sure, they scheduled another ultra sound 4 weeks from now, just after Christmas. It'll be bigger, and therefore easier to see everything. The funny thing is we had our normally scheduled ultra sound scheduled in 2 weeks. It's unnecessary now, but we'll probably still go just because AMC has those cool 3-D ultra sound machines. 3 ultrasounds in the span of a month! How's that for unusual? At least we get plenty of pictures!


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