Adventures In IT #3: Geniuses
In the past 2 weeks, I've had to deal with...
...A woman with a laptop that keeps crashing. After I fix what I can, she informs me that when it crashes, she can get it going again by dropping it a couple of inches onto a table.
...Another lady who had a CD stuck in her computer, and proceeded to completely mangle the drive with a screw driver. She could have saved herself roughly $70 had she just stuck a paper clip in the small hole on the CD Drive.
...A gentleman who brought in his computer because the sound didn't work. I hooked it up and tested it, it worked fine. He tries it at home, no sound. I figure his speakers are faulty, so he brings them in. I proceed to show the man the knob on the side that turns them on. Problem solved.
There's a techie term out there, PEBKAC. It stands for Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. It's people like these that keep me employed I guess.
Labels: work
I always liked Eye Dee Ten Tea error (id10t)
When I worked for a dial-up ISP tech support company a buddy of mine received a call from a lady who wanted assistance setting up her dial-up internet access on her new computer.
During the required reboot, she told my friend that the reason that she had bought a new computer was the old one had a virus. But she was pretty sure that the new one wouldn't get the same virus because she had plastic wrapped the old one with duct tape and put it on the back porch in the cold weather... just to make sure the new one wouldn't be exposed.
He calmly put her on hold and then started laughing. I still laugh over that one.
That's hilarious! People amaze me sometimes....
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