Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day Reflections

You would think Fathers Day for a first time father would lend itself to a natural blog entry, but to be honest, I really don't have much to contribute in that regard. Don't get me wrong, I had a great day, it's just hard to feel worthy of the recognition thrown my way. Victoria is merely 2 months old, and too be honest, it's been easy going so far. She eats, she sleeps, she poops. My job has been easy so far. (I know, I won't last.) Basically what I mean is I don't feel like I've done anything worthy of accolades yet.

So instead I dedicate this post to one more deserving than I. In the 9 months leading up to parenthood, I had plenty of time to wonder what fatherhood would be like and what kind of father I'll be. Fortunately, I'm blessed with a fantastic role model. If I do half the job that my father has, Victoria will be just fine. I was reminded again today exactly what kind of man my dad is. I called him this afternoon, and as luck would have it, he had just gotten home from working a double shift. (He works the midnight shift) On a day when the focus should be on him, he focuses on his family. On a day when he should take it easy, he works a double so my siblings never lack for anything. That's my dad for you - selfless. What's more remarkable is that he didn't have much of a role model for fatherhood himself. his dad, my grandfather, died when he was I think 14. Where he learned to be such a great father, I don't know, but I have big shoes to fill. I think I'm up for the challenge.

Here's to you dad. Happy Fathers Day. You earned it.



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