100th Post!
It occurred to me last time I updated this thing that this post would officially be my 100th blog post. Technically that's a bit off, since maybe 20 of these posts aren't really creations of my mind, just random quizzes and silliness to fill the time. Nonetheless, this is my century mark, and I have the urge to make it a special post. With that in mind, I have an announcement....
I'm growing my hair out again!
Those who remember me from my college days no doubt remember my trademark long locks, which went mainly down my back. Well, my father-in-law decided he was going to grow his hair for Lock of Love, and he talked my wife into doing it too. The two of them in turn talked me into it. I have to grow a minimum of 10 inches of hair. Right about now I have maybe an 1/8 of an inch.
And for the record, no, the fu-manchu isn't coming back too.
Labels: life