Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sister-In-Law Meets A Former Sox Star

So apparently, my sis-in-law Inez was at a salsa club in DC last night and got to met a few members of the L.A. Dodgers, who were in town to play the Washington Nationals. Among those she got to meet was former Red Sox Star Nomar Garciaparra. Pretty nifty, huh? Nomar was such a great player before he suffered so many injuries. It's good to see him healthy and productive again.


St. John's 18, WWRC 14

We played the team from Woodrow Wilson again, and this game was much more evenly matched, and therefore, much more fun. Unfortunately, I stunk. Yeah, I got another walk and scored another run, but i also struck out swinging and messed up two plays I should have had. I let a ground ball skip by less than a foot from me, then later i dropped what should have been an easy pop up. Oh well. Hopefully next time I can do better. There's a makeup game Thursday, but I'll have to miss it due to class.

My Stats so far: 0-2 (.000), 4 BB, 3 R


Friday, May 25, 2007

Holy Blog Filler, Batman!

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

I'm a little concerned that I'm more like Supergirl than I am like Batman...

Your results:
You are Riddler

The Joker
Dr. Doom
Lex Luthor
Mr. Freeze
Green Goblin
Dark Phoenix
Poison Ivy
Riddle me that, riddle me this, who is obsessed with having a battle of wits??

Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...

Half Riddler, Half Joker....what does that say about me?


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Shame on me for letting 2 weeks pass without a post! Memorial Weekend is going to be hectic, as Victoria is getting baptized Sunday. We been making the preparations for awhile, and the out of town guests start arriving tomorrow. My family will be here Saturday. Coincidentally, the baptism will be held at the Frontier Culture Museum, in the same pavilion Meredith and I had our wedding reception. (Just to clarify, Sunday is Pentecost in the Roman Catholic calendar, and my church celebrates each year by holding Mass in the local park, which was switched this year to Frontier. And no, we didn't realize it was Pentecost when we chose Memorial weekend to baptize Victoria - we just picked a long weekend so more out of town relatives could make it.)

In other news...

The first batch of birth announcements went out this week, although we still have more to order/send out.

Speaking of Victoria, she's doing very well and has grown quite a bit. I'm still working on getting more pictures online, and hopefully will be able to do that next week sometime.

Meredith is doing well. She recently went back to work part time at People Places, mentoring the two high school girls.

Work is going well for me. It's been 3 months already! The company is paying for me and some other techs to take a 6 week, Thursday night, non-credit course at the local community college that will prepare up to get our Cisco Networking Certification. I actually had my first class tonight. It was fun, if you enjoy setting up small networks fun of course.

No softball games to report. We had 2 rain-outs and one game I had to miss due to a prior engagement. Next week Tuesday is our next game, so I'll post about that one

And just because it's funny to laugh at things that look like dictators, I give you Cats That Look Like Hitler. They're cute in an evil sort of way!

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

St. John's 23, WWRC 2

Yeah, we won, but this really wasn't a fun game. The Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center is usually a much better team than this. They unfortunately had a pitcher who was having a very difficult time finding the strike zone. To put it in perspective, I got on base all 3 times at bat, and I never swung at a single pitch. Our team tried to help by swinging at anything even close, it just didn't matter. The ump called the game after 2 1/2 innings. For the day, I was 0-0 with 3 walks and 2 runs. Defensively, I fielded 4 plays as the 3rd baseman but recorded no outs. I probably could have turned two of them into outs though. One I threw wide of the first baseman, who was having a hard enough time with the sun in her eyes, and another I just didn't react quickly on. Oh well. The more I play the better I'll get. Next game is next week Friday!

My season so far: 0-1 (.000 Ave.), 3 BB, 2 R


Friday, May 04, 2007

Adventures in IT #2: The Dell Conspiracy

Some people are just..out there. Had a lady come in today to drop off her computer for repair, when she noticed that we were a Dell reseller. She told us how she will never buy a Dell because they put little black tracking devices in their computers that not only track where we are, but also gather our financial data stored on the system. She apparently has some high ranking Washington friends that told her this.

Wait, it gets better...

After hearing this, our dispatcher offhandedly/sarcastically remarks that we'll all have microchips placed under our skin. This lady got real wide-eyed and told us that "Bush has already signed the bill and that we'll all be required to get them within 2 years." Furthermore, her husband has a web site that lists the "camps" where any rebellious American who refuses these chips will be housed.

She then proceeded to state that Bush and Rumsfeld bought some land in Paraguay and have made arrangements so they can't ever be extradited.

First of all, there are no little back boxes in Dells. I work on Dells all the time, never saw one. Besides, if Dell was going to do that sort of thing, why would they put a piece of hardware in their systems? These things can be done just as easily through a Trojan Horse program.

As for the chips in our skin, I know they've got the technology; They use it to track lost pets . We have GPS systems in our cars, our cell phones, even in shoes, but to force people to get them? A little sci-Fi, isn't it?

And I hope Dubya and Doanald have a lovely life together in Paraguay....

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Electric Baby-Land

A while back, I blogged about some less-than-the-usual baby items that were just plain cool. During our hospital stay, a nurse directed us to another cool site, Psycho Baby. This site is worth it alone for the newborn sized rock T-shirts. In the near future, little Victoria can expect to be clothed in her new T shirt while she listens to some lullabies. Rock on, little Victoria!

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