The Things I'm Learning...
What's wrong with me? I just spent 2 hours listening about and looking at the exposed female breast, and it was 2 of the most boring hours of my life. My wife and I started birthing classes last week, and tonight was all about the breastfeeding. The teacher was incredibly boring, and spent more time telling us why mommy milk good, formula bad. I wanted to sleep. At least the other classes have been informative. I've learned a lot about what my poor wife will be going through and how to properly bathe my child. I've seen video footage of little screaming infants coming directly out of the birth canal (gross!) and came to the realization that should we be blessed with a boy, the choice to circumcise is really a choice between the lesser of two evils. Next week will be a refresher on infant CPR. I hope I don't have severe mental overload...
I hear ya there! We never made it all the way through our birthing classes. We made it through the 'birthin' parts. Watched the horrible videos, did the hospital tour. We decided to stop going when they had a whole class devoted to how a Caesarean is given. I figured since I wouldn't be giving myself or anyone else I knew a c-section I really didn't need to know ALL the intimate details.
For Chuck he decided he couldn't cope anymore when we had to watch our hefty instructor pull herself into a birthing bed, put her feet in the stirrups and demonstrate how to push. We saw more than enough!
We made it through just fine. Make sure you know what to expect, but keep in mind if you forget something there's an entire staff devoted to telling you what to do. :)
Hi there! While I am a strong advocate of breastfeeding, I think it's fine to bottle feed too. So many in our society today make parents feel bad if they choose the bottle over the breast. So if possible, I encourage your wife to give nursing a try. But if she just can not or doesn't feel comfortable doing it, bottle feeding works just fine. I hope you both will feel comfortable in your decision. What's most important is that baby feels loved and nourished. And as long as mom is comfortable in her decision, the baby will be just fine!
I had girls and never faced the circumcision decision. But I saw a video that helped me make up my mind if I ever do have a boy (I wouldn't do it) . Here's a link with some good info about myths vs facts -
Here's another:
Good luck whatever you and your wife decide about feeding and circumcision!
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